Join us July 28th for a README Book Club discussion: Jackie Wang’s “Carceral Capitalism”

README is excited to announce the first meeting of our 2018 Summer reading group!

On Saturday, July 28th at 3pm we will meet at the Trails Cafe in Griffith Park to discuss Carceral Capitalism (2018) by Jackie Wang. Our discussion will focus on chapters 4 & 5 of the book — exploring the intersecting issues of predictive policing, algorithms, mass incarceration, and racial capitalism. We welcome anyone interested in discussing these topics to join!

Additionally, we will talk about our August reading selection as well as some exciting plans for the upcoming fall quarter!

Trails Cafe has an array of food and drink available for purchase as well as a bathroom on site. If you have dietary restrictions, we recommend you contacting the cafe directly for details. There is a paved road leading up to the front of the cafe, but the pathway to the bathroom is uphill on a gravel path. Have additional questions about accessibility? Please contact us or the cafe directly.

Feel free to share widely. No RSVP necessary.

Hope to see you there!

README Book Club Discussion
Saturday, July 28, 2018
The Trails Cafe, Griffith Park
2333 Fern Dell Dr
Los Angeles, CA 90027


*** Interested in learning more about Carceral Capitalism before we meet? Take a look at the following articles…

Los Angeles Review of Books
The New Inquiry
Topical Cream
Mask Magazine
MIT Press